The “Echo of Arches” series, crafted in a black-and-white minimalistic style with a focus on perspective, conveys themes of infinity, temporal suspension, and the search for meaning in simplicity. The tall, interwoven arches with clean lines evoke a sense of traversing endless pathways, inviting viewers on an introspective and mental journey.
The contrast of black and white symbolizes the dualities of life and the interplay between light and darkness, while the repetition and continuity of the arches reflect infinity and the interconnectedness of past, present, and future. The depth created by perspective allows the audience to feel immersed in a weightless, contemplative space, engaging with notions of presence and the journey ahead.
Through symbolic use of color, form, and composition, the series delves into themes of loss, resilience, and adaptation. The imagery evokes a sense of both hardship and hope, with figures often depicted in transition, traversing abstract or fragmented landscapes that reflect the disconnection and transformation inherent in the migratory experience.
The series highlights the universal human experience of migration, showing both the personal and collective struggles that come with leaving one’s home and the profound impact it has on identity and culture.